Fourth Trimester Postpartum Master Class
Embark on a healing and empowering journey after childbirth with the Fourth Trimester Postpartum Master Class, led by the acclaimed women’s health expert, Dr. Jolene Brighten. This comprehensive class addresses the essential aspects of postpartum recovery, focusing on nurturing the body, mind, and emotional well-being during the critical postpartum period.
What You’ll Learn:
- Holistic Recovery: Explore the physical, hormonal, and emotional changes your body goes through after childbirth and how to support a holistic recovery process.
- Thyroid and Adrenal Health: Gain crucial insights into the importance of thyroid and adrenal health postpartum, including how to recognize and address potential issues.
- Nutritional Needs: Learn about the specific nutritional needs during the postpartum period to support healing, energy levels, and overall health.
- Postpartum Plan: Develop a comprehensive postpartum plan that includes nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle adjustments tailored to your healing journey.
- Mental Health: Understand the psychological aspects of postpartum life, including strategies to cope with stress, anxiety, and mood fluctuations.
Dr. Brighten’s master class is designed to support new mothers through the transformative postpartum phase, offering practical advice, compassionate insights, and evidence-based strategies to navigate this special time. Whether you’re preparing for postpartum life or are currently in the midst of it, this class is an invaluable resource to ensure a healthy and positive post-birth experience.
Embark on a healing and empowering journey after childbirth with the Fourth Trimester Postpartum Master Class, led by the acclaimed women’s health expert, Dr. Jolene Brighten. This comprehensive class addresses the essential aspects of postpartum recovery, focusing on nurturing the body, mind, and emotional well-being during the critical postpartum period.
What You’ll Learn:
- Holistic Recovery: Explore the physical, hormonal, and emotional changes your body goes through after childbirth and how to support a holistic recovery process.
- Thyroid and Adrenal Health: Gain crucial insights into the importance of thyroid and adrenal health postpartum, including how to recognize and address potential issues.
- Nutritional Needs: Learn about the specific nutritional needs during the postpartum period to support healing, energy levels, and overall health.
- Postpartum Plan: Develop a comprehensive postpartum plan that includes nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle adjustments tailored to your healing journey.
- Mental Health: Understand the psychological aspects of postpartum life, including strategies to cope with stress, anxiety, and mood fluctuations.
Dr. Brighten’s master class is designed to support new mothers through the transformative postpartum phase, offering practical advice, compassionate insights, and evidence-based strategies to navigate this special time. Whether you’re preparing for postpartum life or are currently in the midst of it, this class is an invaluable resource to ensure a healthy and positive post-birth experience.
Embark on a healing and empowering journey after childbirth with the Fourth Trimester Postpartum Master Class, led by the acclaimed women’s health expert, Dr. Jolene Brighten. This comprehensive class addresses the essential aspects of postpartum recovery, focusing on nurturing the body, mind, and emotional well-being during the critical postpartum period.
What You’ll Learn:
- Holistic Recovery: Explore the physical, hormonal, and emotional changes your body goes through after childbirth and how to support a holistic recovery process.
- Thyroid and Adrenal Health: Gain crucial insights into the importance of thyroid and adrenal health postpartum, including how to recognize and address potential issues.
- Nutritional Needs: Learn about the specific nutritional needs during the postpartum period to support healing, energy levels, and overall health.
- Postpartum Plan: Develop a comprehensive postpartum plan that includes nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle adjustments tailored to your healing journey.
- Mental Health: Understand the psychological aspects of postpartum life, including strategies to cope with stress, anxiety, and mood fluctuations.
Dr. Brighten’s master class is designed to support new mothers through the transformative postpartum phase, offering practical advice, compassionate insights, and evidence-based strategies to navigate this special time. Whether you’re preparing for postpartum life or are currently in the midst of it, this class is an invaluable resource to ensure a healthy and positive post-birth experience.
Updated: January 24th, 2022
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